Meet Our New Staff

Our ICAN family has grown again and we’re pleased to introduce you to our newest hires, who join our team in Utica, Herkimer, Montgomery County and more in a great variety of positions!
Back row: Katlyn VanDerVeer, Damaris “Dee” Reyes, Kim Bates, Emily Goldstein, Austin Mills, Izic Marsh, Darby Davies
Front row: Kelly Langworthy, Kari Montes, Ashley Rotach, Rutha Kyi, Talia Mora
Kim Bates
Healthy Families Montgomery County Resource & Support Specialist
Kim has four daughters who are 17, 21, 24 and almost 26 years old. Kim is the oldest of six in her family. Despite working in the industry, she received her degree in graphic arts in 1996.
Darby Davies
Healthy Families Oneida County Resource & Support Specialist
You can find Darby tearing it up on an ATV, something she loves to do. Every year, she makes the trek to the Carolinas to enjoy Myrtle Beach. An interesting piece of her family history – a plane from Griffis that was investigating a UFO crashed into her grandmother's home in 1954, resulting in her death.
Emily Goldstein
Youth Care Coordinator
Emily grew up on a farm, where she and her family raised cows. Emily has three sisters (one is her twin!) She describes her one year old as her “whole world and has a wild personality.”
Rutha Kyi
Family Service Coordinator
Rutha came to the United States in 2001 as a refugee. She is fearless and adventurous - a few years ago she completed a solo trip to Mexico. Rutha has always loved traveling and singing.
Kelley Langworthy
Healthy Families Herkimer Program Manager
Kelley loves history and eventually would like to be an archaeologist as a part-time gig. Halloween is her favorite holiday, which makes sense why fall is her favorite season. ICAN is a family affair for Kelly, as now both she AND her husband work here!
Izic Marsh
Marketing Coordinator
In his free time, Izic seeks out adventure, whether it is exploring the Adirondacks and finding new mountains to hike or new rivers to kayak. He also loves to travel, he has been to a few countries and countless states. Izic loves to support establishments, and tries to find new ones on the weekends, whether it be shops, wineries, galleries, etc.
Austin Mills
Healthy Families Herkimer County Family Resource & Support Specialist
Austin lived among the celebrities in Hollywood, California, ultimately returning to the area. There is a video with a professional basketball player that has accumulated millions of views that you can find Austin in. At the age of nineteen, he underwent a shoulder reconstruction.
Kari Montes
Healthy Families Schoharie County Resource & Support Specialist
In Kari's free time, she is an avid gardener - she loves planting and watching them bloom into beautiful flowers and vegetables. Someday, she wants to be close enough to the ocean so she can visit whenever she wants. Kari has an adorable beagle and dachshund mix puppy named Stella Gallucci Pants!
Talia Mora
Youth Care Coordinator
Talia is bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish fluently. Talia went to school in the Dominican Republic from second grade until she graduated high school. She travels back home twice a year. Mental health awareness is one of her biggest passions. This stems from her roots in the Hispanic community, where many people around her struggled with mental health and due to the stigma and lack of resources, they were not able to receive the help they needed. This is what inspired her to join this field and help people. She hopes to make an impact within her community and especially with her clients.
Damaris “Dee” Reyes
Healthy Families Montgomery County Resource & Support Specialist
Damaris is a star and has been featured in a few traffic safety commercials. She is very excited to be a grandmother for the first time this coming September! Damaris is an active member of a Woman’s Social Club, where she serves as the Vice President.
Ashley Roatch
Quality Management Specialist
Ashely is the mama to a little boy and is expecting a little girl soon. In her free time, she loves to enjoy nature - camping and being out on the lake especially. She hopes she doesn’t encounter any spiders when she is camping, because she has the biggest fear of them!
Katlyn VanDerVeer
Healthy Families Montgomery County Resource & Support Special
As an avid boater, you can find Katlyn enjoying her boat all summer long. During the winter months she does not fear the cold weather and enjoys the trails on her snowmobile. Aside from her adventurous nature, she has a fear of spiders and mice.