Meet Our New Staff

From day one at ICAN, our staff are appreciated, trained, and prepared! We know that when they are happy they can pass that along to the clients we serve. Meet the newest class of new hires who got to see what the ICAN culture is really about in orientation this month.

Front Row (standing left to right): Kimberly Taurisano, Carissa St. Germaine, Alyssa Peters and Majuma Maalim
Back Row (standing left to right): Matthew Vanderwerken, Matthew Kopytowski, Kristin Matthews, Alison Dombrowski, Larisa Nowicki, Cole Brown and Vincent Leibl
Cole Brown
Care Management Supervisor
Cole enjoys being in the outdoors mostly while hiking or fishing. That’s when he isn’t busy being a Utica University student working on his MSW, interning at The House of the Good Shepherd, or spending time with his two year old son, significant other or large extended family or friends.
Alison Dumbrowski
Kids Herkimer Preventive Worker
Alison was in a sorority while in college and loved it! She now enjoys being a home body, watching ballets, and considers her family everyone who is close to her – down to her childhood friends and sorority sisters.
Matthew Kopytowski
Accounts Payable and Purchasing Specialist
Matthew, a graduate of Utica College, likes to play the guitar, has visited the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto, and knows that your family is whoever you choose.
Vinny Leibl
Wellness Coordinator
Vinny is a huge sports fan and loves anything sports-related, especially playing golf. He also has had the opportunity to have been ON Mets field! His family consists of close knit cousins and friends from school and the area.
Majuma Maalim
Adult Care Coordinator
Majuma is also a seamstress/fashion designer, she makes the BEST chicken riggies, and didn’t let her fear of heights stop her from going sky diving! (She’d even do it again.) She considers family to be all the people who love, respect and care for her.
Kristin Matthews
Behavior Specialist
Kristin has spent 20 years working with children! She enjoys spending time with her family, especially hiking with her daughter. Family is everyone that means the most to her!
Larisa Nawicki
Recruiting Specialist
Larisa loves decorating, cooking, reading and laying out in the sun. She has already been to five different countries. Her two dogs, Remy and Jack, her Mom and Dad and the rest of her close relatives make up her family.
Alyssa Peters
Community Educator
After a day at work, Alyssa’s favorite activity is to play with her dogs. She likes to thrift, antique, and loves to try food from different cultures! Her family is all the people (and pets) who bring positivity into her life.
Carissa St. Germaine
Compliance Specialist
Carissa can speak German, enjoys writing short stories, and loves going to concerts. Family for her includes her sister, brother-in-law, niece, nephew and of course her close friends.
Kimberly Taurisano
Youth Care Coordinator
Kimberly was on a mission to gain confidence and find a fulfilling job and is happy she was able to do that through ICAN! She is very crafty and enjoys drawing as well as other arts and crafts. Someday she would love to visit Italy. Family will alway come first to Kimberly and includes her two boys, husband and pets!
Matt Vanderwerken
Director of Managed Services
Matt loves to watch movies and has watched all of the American Film Institute's Top 100 Films! He plays the piano and even toured NY in a punk band during college. In 2015, he hiked Mt. Kilimanjaro! His family includes his partner and a beautiful dog daughter, Ruby.