Our Traveling Library Visits 4 ICAN Locations During Black History Month

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Our Black History Month library traveled around our office buildings to give everyone a chance to borrow and read some amazing books that spotlight and celebrate African Americans, their journeys and their cultures.


If you missed it we put together a list of the books so you can read, download or listen to - however you like to enjoy books!


Be Boy Buzz
Chris Raschka

A cheerful story written by two award winning authors that captures what it truly means to be a boy.

Buy or download here

Becoming an Ally
By Annie Bishop

A book for for ALL people who recognize their privilege and want to move toward a more just world by learning to act as allies! For: men who want to end sexism, white people who want to end racism, straight people who want to end heterosexism, able-bodied people who want to end ableism.

Buy or download here

Confronting Environmental Racism
A Collection of Voices from The Grassroots

This groundbreaking anthology grows out of the National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit and brings together leading scholars, environmental leaders, and social justice activists of the emerging environmental justice movement.

Buy or download here

I’m Still Here - Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness
By Austin Channing Brown

A story of Austin Channing's personal experiences with racism and how she learned to embrace and ‘love blackness’. It sheds light on the drawbacks that killed our attempts at racial justice.

Buy or download here

March Book One
By John Lewis, Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell

A first-hand account of John Lewis' lifelong struggle for civil and human rights, meditating in the modern age on the progress since the days of Jim Crow and segregation that also reflects on the highs and lows of the broader civil rights movement.

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March Book Two
By John Lewis, Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell

Congressman John Lewis takes us behind the scenes of some of the most pivotal moments of the Civil Rights Movement, making it more relevant to current Americans with his first hand accounts on the matter.

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March Book Three
By John Lewis, Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell

Focuses on John Lewis’ continued fight for voting rights during the civil rights movement, highlighting the violent resistance faced by protesters during the Selma to Montgomery marches and showcasing the pivotal role of figures like Fannie Lou Hamer in the movement.

Buy or download here

Notes of a White Black Woman
By Judy Scales-Trent

Judy Scales-Trent’s description of what it is like being a white  African American woman in the US, and her relationship with both black and white communities

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The Color of Law
By Richard Rothstein

How federal, state, and local governments gave rise to and reinforced neighborhood segregation  and support for violent resistance to African Americans in white neighborhoods

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The Other Wes Moore - One Name, Two Fates
By Wes Moore

A story about two men who shared a name, but had very different life outcomes; a boy who had received a Rhodes Scholarship, and another who was involved in a botched armed robbery that resulted in the death of a police officer.

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Think Big Little One
By Vashti Harrison

A full color illustration book featuring eighteen women creators who are considered trailblazers in their respective fields.

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What is the What
By Dave Eggers

A heroic tale of the life of Valentino Achak Deng! A child who was forced to leave his village in Sudan at the age of seven and trek hundreds of miles by foot, pursued by militias, government bombers, and wild animals, crossing the deserts of three countries to find freedom.

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White Like Me
By Tim Wise

A personal examination of the way in which racial privilege shapes the daily lives of white Americans in every realm: employment, education, housing, criminal justice and elsewhere.

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Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?
By Beverly Daniel Tatum, PH.D.

A story that examines how the psychology of race in America develops and how racial identity develops individuals.

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