A Day of Resilience and Empowerment: Reflecting on 'A Meaningful Message' Event

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By Jesenia Wright, LMSW
Director of School-Based Mental Health at ICAN 

In an era where our mistakes, circumstances, and stereotypes often seem to define us, a powerful narrative shift is happening, particularly among the youth in Utica.

It's about transforming the dialogue—moving from being defined by setbacks to seeing these as steps toward resilience, growth, and success. I had the privilege of being a part of an event that presented this narrative shift and embodied it in every story shared and conversation among attendees. This was "A Meaningful Message," brilliantly presented by the Utica City School District System of Care program at ICAN.

The Essence of A Meaningful Message

Held on a warm, hopeful afternoon of May 18, 2024, at the Strebel Auditorium and Strebel Lounge at Utica University, A Meaningful Message was more than an event; it was a catalyst for change. The afternoon was lined up with activities ranging from a resource fair featuring local partners to a profoundly impactful panel event, rounded off with poetry performances and networking opportunities that encouraged everyone present to forge connections, share stories, and offer support.

What stood out about A Meaningful Message was the power-packed panel that featured dynamic individuals who are living testaments to the event's core message. Dr. Jamila T. Davis, an author, educator, and entrepreneur, alongside James J. Bond, the founder of Dadish Inc., and the local community advocate Mona Fermin-Fennell, shared their transformative journeys. This panel was adeptly moderated by Cymil Hamilton and myself, providing a platform for enlightened discourse on resilience, overcoming obstacles, and the profound impact of mindset change.

The Youth Speak

A crucial aspect of this event was capturing the voices of the youth who attended. Their insights offer a fresh perspective on how events like A Meaningful Message resonate with and immediately impact our younger generation.

Each shared insightful and heartening reflections when asked about their takeaways from the event.

"What I got from the Meaning Message event is our struggles don't define us. Our past is a part of who we are."

- Kyla

“Healing from trauma, and being able to tell your success story! What is more meaningful than that? And the best thing I could remember is that, they were all about their personal brands. You have to market your brand. Literally live it.”

-S. Lewis

"The stories we heard prove that anyone can make it to the top. Our past and struggles shouldn't define us, rather we can turn them into motivation to work harder."


"From Jamila T. Davis I learned that education is one thing that you can never be stripped of. Education is the most powerful tool in today's world, but you have to choose to use your knowledge responsibly."


Towards a New Narrative

The objective of A Meaningful Message went beyond inspiring stories and engaging discussions. It aimed to actively change the conversation for youth in Utica, challenging the narrative that our mistakes and setbacks are barriers. Instead, through the authentic experiences shared by our panelists and the reflective insights of our youth, we collectively underscored that mistakes and challenges are not just inevitable parts of life but also invaluable learning opportunities that contribute to our growth and success.

In closing, A Meaningful Message was a testament to the strength and potential of not just the individuals on the panel or the youth who shared their voices but of every attendee who embraced the event's ethos. As we progress, we must continue supporting such conversations and initiatives, fostering an environment where growth is encouraged and celebrated, and every setback is viewed as a set-up for a remarkable comeback.

As we reflect on the impact of A Meaningful Message, let us carry forward the spirit of resilience, the power of a changed mindset, and the belief in the best version of ourselves. Together, let's change the conversation for youth in Utica and beyond.

Jesenia Wright, LMSW

About the Utica City School District System of Care Program at ICAN:

ICAN's Utica City School-Based Services target at-risk or high-risk behaviors using a System-of-Care framework. This approach encompasses a network of services and supports tailored to the child and their family's needs, aiming for their success. Through direct engagement and Restorative Justice practices, ICAN offers customized education and training for students, staff, and caregivers. The objective is to reduce high-risk behaviors, enhance positive classroom engagement, and bridge existing gaps.