A Successful Two-Part Event for ICAN's IPA!

Working together is how we keep families together!
Did you know… ICAN now employs over 320 staff members and an additional 300+ Independent Practice Association (IPA) providers work closely with us, resulting in a powerful goal-oriented team of over 600 individuals supporting children, youth, adults and families… EVERY DAY!
On October 14, 2024, we held two special events in one night at Elevate CNY (our sports complex in Westmoreland) bringing together ICAN and our IPA network, along with those interested in becoming IPA providers.
The need is growing tremendously in our community for positions in mentoring, behavior management, family and peer support, clinical services, crisis intervention and home and community-based services. We are always looking for individuals to work part-time, full time and per diem supporting families ICAN works with.
The first hour featured a "Meet ‘N Mingle," where ICAN leadership and departments, IPA agency heads, and current providers got a chance to network with each other and have some out-of-the-office time to connect.
The event was then opened up to the public in our first "Discover Your Passion" Job Fair where potential providers could learn more about the IPA, do on-the-spot interviews and see if becoming part of the IPA is a fit for them. The IPA offers extra income, flexibility, a chance for personal growth and an opportunity to help our community become stronger. It’s a great second job for many and an incredible way to share skills and expertise in a way that makes a difference. It also offers entrepreneurial opportunities – the IPA is made up of 40 small businesses!
We thank all of our staff who assisted in making the event happen. It was a special to host it at Elevate CNY – as part of the ICAN family of programs, Elevate promotes decreasing the stigma of asked for help in the areas of mental and behavioral health and they offer activities and space to increase social supports, sports and recreational opportunities and more.
Working closely with the IPA, Elevate also offers open time for providers throughout the week to bring clients and mentees out to use the hard surface court, turf, batting cages and community room.
Want to know more about ICAN's IPA? Check out our website, come to our events, and follow us on social media to learn how you can help our community thrive.
ICAN's Independent Practice Association (IPA), founded alongside ICAN in 1997, is a collaborative network of providers established to remove the significant barriers in accessing services.
The IPA was designed to prevent unnecessary removals from homes by streamline access to home and community-based services, improving health and wellness for children, youth, and adults. It enhances ICAN’s Wraparound philosophy, offering individualized, coordinated care through diverse services such as mentoring, behavior management, peer support, and more.
The IPA focuses on empowerment featuring a wide range of providers all dedicated to helping individuals thrive. ICAN supports IPA members with onboarding, administrative services, and expert guidance, allowing them to concentrate on delivering care rather than managing paperwork. Through this network, we ensure that every individual in need receives the highest quality support when it matters most.