Celebrating the People Who Make our Employee Experience Amazing!

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Today is HR Professionals Day and even though we appreciate our wonderful HR team EVERY day, we’re going to take the opportunity today to introduce you to the best team in the biz.

From our first day, they make sure everything is ready, correct, and that we have all the tools we need to get off to a great start at ICAN. They don’t just stop there – they help guide us on our career path the entire time we are here. Keeping over 300 employees movin’ and groovin’ all the time takes a lot of effort, organization and guidance… but this amazing team gets the job DONE!

Get to know a bit more about the members of our HR team, their interests outside of ICAN, why they chose a career in HR, and they’ll give you some advice if you are looking to join the field.

Gina Dier, Director of Human Resources

What formal/informal education do you have?

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration/Marketing and a MBA with a Marketing Concentration. I also hold a Human Resources Professional Certification - SHRM-CP (Society for HR Management Certified Professional).

How many years have you been in the Human Resources field?

I have been in the HR field for almost 15 years.

How did you decide to pursue a career in HR? 

Honestly, it was by accident that I fell into the HR world. At a previous place of employment, we were growing fast and recognized the need for more of a focus on HR. I was in a Marketing position and offered some extra time to help with benefits and long story short, that quickly turned into a HR Manager promotion! While it wasn't planned, I've always felt grateful for that shift as it was such a great fit for me and has served me well in my professional career.

What career advice would you pass along to those thinking about entering the field? 

I would share that every day is different in the HR world and that's what keeps it interesting. While some may view HR as a challenging field, it is one of the most rewarding at the same time. Even the hard days can turn into something impactful and meaningful. We have something that many others don't. We get to interact with staff at all levels and support them everyday! I love that I can enter a room and know every face and name! My advice would be to always expect the unexpected, be open to change (because it WILL come in the HR world), push yourself to evolve and learn something new every day, be patient, and don't be afraid to show a little empathy. More than anything, people appreciate being treated like they matter and appreciate being heard, especially by someone in HR.

What opportunities are available for HR professionals today, and how is ICAN's HR team addressing them?

HR professionals have so many opportunities in today's world and there are a variety of ways one can grow and expand their roles. One can choose to be an expert in ALL the things or focus on one or two specialties. You can work at the forefront or work in the background. You can be a numbers person, a creative person, a people person, the "Manager,".....the options are endless.

Here at ICAN, over the past 5 years our department has grown tremendously. We have gone from one person to a team of six! All of our team members have a passion for HR and all in different ways. We're all encouraged to continuously learn and grow in our positions, however that may look to each of us. Most (if not all) have served in a HR Generalist role at one time or another so we have all worked our way up from entry level. In this last year, we recognized the need to start branching out and developing specialty positions. We are no longer a team of Generalists but rather we are spread out, each with specific focuses on things like Payroll & Benefits, Recruiting, Engagement, Onboarding, Management, etc. We are ever evolving!

What should everyone know about ICAN’s HR team?

We are a dedicated and passionate team! Our goal is to give employees the best experience here at ICAN, starting from the moment they hit that "Apply" button. We strive to make all feel welcome and part of our ICAN team, no matter what program, department or space they work in. We love when staff are comfortable coming to us with questions as we work hard to create that open environment and safe space...and we truly love to help. As the Director, I can easily say that I am personally so proud of our team each and every day. They truly LOVE what they do!

Outside of work, what do you LOVE to do and/or what are some fun facts about you? 

I have two amazing children, Allie (14) and Brayden (11), along with our rescue pup "Bear." Together, we love time by our pool, family trips and home movie nights. I personally love to read and have made a solid effort to devote more time to it. (I'm currently on book #21 for the year!). I also love a good summer concert but need to amp that number up next!

Heather Wittmann, Human Resource Manager

What formal/informal education do you have?

Associates degree in Health Service Management Technology A.A.S from Herkimer County Community College, graduated in 2015.

How many years have you been in the Human Resources field?

I have been in the HR field for over 5 years.

How did you decide to pursue a career in HR? 

When I graduated college I never saw myself in HR. I thought I would enter the Administrative Assistant side of it. I started working at a local nursing home out in the Valley and they were looking for an HR Director. I applied and was fortunate enough to be selected. I will be forever grateful for that opportunity, because it gave me the knowledge I needed to become who I am and brought me to the amazing HR team here at ICAN.

What career advice would you pass along to those thinking about entering the field?

Some advice I would give to anyone who is thinking of going into HR is to ask questions and learn as much as you can. Things change all of the time and the more knowledge and training you have the more it will benefit you.

What should everyone know about ICAN’s HR team?

Our HR team is like no other. We have the best of the best!! They work hard, are always willing to help! They work well together and individually. So proud to work with such amazing people every day.

Outside of work, what do you LOVE to do and/or what are some fun facts about you?

I love summer most out of all the seasons - the hotter the better! I love to cook, bake and be with my friends and family but mostly my time is spent with my kids, who are (son 31, daughter 20 and son 15). Christmas is my favorite time of year.

This year, my two youngest children and I went on our very first family vacation to Hatteras, NC, we drove there and back and made so many amazing memories. 

My time now is spent watching my youngest son play BASEBALL!! He plays mostly year-round when he can. Right now, it’s fall ball and his dream is to play in the MLB. I love that dream for him. I am and always will be his biggest fan!!

Christine McCutcheon, Senior HR Generalist

What formal/informal education do you have?

I have an Associates in Business from Mohawk Valley Community College and recently received my Human Resources Professional Certification - SHRM-CP (Society for HR Management Certified Professional).

How many years have you been in the Human Resources field?

I have been in the HR field for 7 years.

How did you decide to pursue a career in HR? 

I never planned on pursuing a career in HR, I was working at JC Penny and they were restructuring and once I was presented with the HR job description, I tried it and loved it. I am naturally a people person so my HR career took off from there. I really like being able to help people and set them up for a successful career path and to see their success in their career journey.

What career advice would you pass along to those thinking about entering the field?

I would tell people thinking of entering the HR field to find a mentor - someone who can teach you and be there to guide and support you along the way. It could be a peer or a supervisor and it will be helpful to have the support along your HR career journey. HR is also an ever changing field, so having someone to lean on and to reach out for guidance would be really helpful.

What should everyone know about ICAN’s HR team?

Everyone should know that our HR team is great. It’s so diverse not only do we have different personalities but we also have different areas of knowledge that we each excel at and enjoy. This makes us a great team because we bring different knowledge and strengths to the table that allow us to focus on certain areas we each enjoy and excel at.

Outside of work, what do you LOVE to do and/or what are some fun facts about you?

Outside of work I LOVE spending time with my two grandsons, who are 8 and 1. We go to the zoo and they love it, although I might actually love it more! We also do all sorts of outdoor adventures from hiking in Virginia to just exploring. I like to play golf with my husband, although we both think we are terrible! I am sure the LPGA will be calling me soon.

I like to hang out with my two dogs Lola and Molly, my husband, four kids (three girls and one boy) and of course my two grandkids. A fun fact is that I have been to Hawaii twice and would like to retire there.

Mohamed Haji, Employee Engagement Specialist

What formal/informal education do you have?

I have an Associates degree in HR.

How many years have you been in the Human Resources field?

I have been in the HR field for 5 years.

How did you decide to pursue a career in HR?

I had a passion for helping people from a young age and it led me to pursue a career in HR.

What career advice would you pass along to those thinking about entering the field? 

The advice I would pass along is to look into a career in HR because it is incredibly fulfilling to engage with employees and assist them in achieving success in the workplace.

What opportunities are available for HR professionals today, and how is ICAN's HR team addressing them?

There is a wide variety of diverse roles for HR professionals today. Our HR team is constantly seeking for ways to streamline HR processes. We recently added a recruiter, which will improve the hiring process.

What should everyone know about ICAN’s HR team?

Everyone should know that we are here to assist you in every way possible, so please don't hesitate to contact us for any help you may require.

Outside of work, what do you LOVE to do and/or what are some fun facts about you?

I enjoy playing soccer and I like hiking. A fun fact about me was that I was the first in my family to attend college!

Larisa Nowicki, Recruiting Specialist

What formal/informal education do you have?

Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice.

How many years have you been in the Human Resources field?

I have 4 years experience in the HR field.

How did you decide to pursue a career in HR?

I went into the HR field because I like helping people and helping them succeed has been my main priority. Bringing that into my job each and everyday is most rewarding.

What career advice would you pass along to those thinking about entering the field?

I would share that HR deals with people, employees, managers, and candidates. Empathy is your superpower. Listen actively, understand diverse perspectives, and treat everyone with respect.

What opportunities are available for HR professionals today, and how is ICAN's HR team addressing them?

The world of HR is full of endless opportunities and constant change. To thrive, it's essential to adapt and embrace new learning experiences. ICAN's HR team is dedicated to fostering a work environment where employees feel supported, motivated, and aligned with the organization’s goals. They prioritize autonomy, career development, and work that is meaningful and purposeful.

What should everyone know about ICAN’s HR team?

Everyone should know that we care about those we serve.

Outside of work, what do you LOVE to do and/or what are some fun facts about you?

I enjoy spending time with my dogs, Remy and Jack, hitting the beach for some sun, diving into a good book, and being outdoors. I cherish moments with family and friends, love to cook, and my favorite color is pink. I’m all about having fun! Go Bills!

Jordan Stoquert, Payroll and Benefits Specialist

What formal/informal education do you have?

I have an Associates Degree in Psychology and I am only a few credits short of an Associate’s degree in Human Services and Chemical Dependency.

How many years have you been in the Human Resources field?

I have 3.5 years of Human Resources and 5+ years of previous banking experience.

How did you decide to pursue a career in HR? 

Right out of college, I got into banking and enjoyed it, but I was not fulfilled. An HR opening came up and it allowed me the opportunity to learn something completely new and exciting. I am able to work for an amazing agency that helps people and allows me to utilize the skills I have obtained throughout my professional career. I get to help coworkers and am part of ICAN, which makes a huge impact on our community.

What career advice would you pass along to those thinking about entering the field?

Take every opportunity that comes your way, and on the hard days always remember why you started.

What opportunities are available for HR professionals today, and how is ICAN's HR team addressing them?

The opportunities in HR are endless: payroll, benefits, recruitment, engagement etc. Since I started in 2021, our department has expanded from 2 to 6 team members to help give staff the best possible experience from their first interview to their last day at the agency. We are always trying to improve our processes to make things as easy as possible for staff.

What should everyone know about ICAN’s HR team?

We genuinely care about your well-being and getting to see staff grow professionally in their roles is one of the most rewarding experiences. We are always trying to improve and listen to feedback/suggestions from staff.

Outside of work, what do you LOVE to do and/or what are some fun facts about you?

I love shopping, and most recently, cooking. I also have three orange cats that keep life very entertaining!