Evelyn House named Save of the Day drive beneficiary

Evelyn’s House was selected as the Women's Day recipient of The Save of the Day Foundation and the Utica Comets philanthropic game night on February 14, 2024, at 7:00 PM, located at the
Adirondack Bank Center at the Utica Auditorium.
Attendees were encouraged to bring feminine hygiene products to donate at the table on the concourse. Donated products include shampoo/conditioner, soap, lotion, deodorant, face wash, body wash/scrub, sanitary napkins/tampons, and other toiletry items.
“Four Utica Comets games in February will be dedicated as Donation Drives to assist area
organizations in providing essential personal hygiene products to those in need,” states Angela
Gaeta, Director of the Save of the Day Foundation. “We are so pleased that the residents of
Evelyn’s House will benefit from the community’s generosity at our game.”
Save of the Day Foundation also matched all monetary donations made during the game to
purchase additional needed products, doubling the impact of each dollar donated!
“We are thankful for the support we have received from the Save of the Day Foundation and the
Utica Comets,” said Lisa Reginelli, Director of Transitional Services. “Items like this help young
mother’s at Evelyn’s House – who are experiencing homelessness – focus on their well-being
and increase their self-confidence as they work towards permanent housing.”
To learn more about Evelyn's House - Click here