Steve Spink - Provider Spotlight

Provider Spotlight - Steve Spink
This month we would like to spotlight our IPA provider, Steve Spink, who works for Joslyn Enterprises LLC. Steve has been an integral part of our provider network for 10 years. Being a provider in our IPA is actually Steve’s second job, as he has been a full-time physical education teacher for 13 years with the Utica City School District, currently at Kernan School.
Steve started his involvement with ICAN doing group recreations through connections from other providers he met in schools he was working in. This quickly grew into a very steady second career for Steve, who currently provides an array of services to clients in our Kids Oneida, SPIN and Health Homes programs. He also is a part or our on-call crisis team and helps run many of our group recs, supported work program and recently a weekly summer sports program.
Steve loves bringing his love for sports and fitness to the work he does with his ICAN kids. When asked what he loves most about the work he does as an ICAN provider, Steve said he loves how kids look up to him and the other ICAN workers and providers. He enjoys seeing them progress using the input and advice they are given. “Being a role model and seeing them succeed is just the best feeling in the world”. Steve loves working at ICAN because of how everyone comes together as a team and supports each other to help a family out no matter what the circumstances. He says the organization is “like a family” who is always so proactive and positive.