Welcome to our new staff members!

We’re excited to introduce our new staff members to you and share a few fun facts about them.
Jerfia Hospedales
Billing Clerk
Jerfia loves to shop, is mother and stepmother to four boys and one girlie girl and she prays five times a day.
Alexandria Deno
Family and Community Based Services Specialist
Alexandria loves to cook and the beach is her favorite place to be. She always wanted to be a singer, but says her voice is horrible, so she sings loudly for her kids on road trips… mostly 90s rap and R&B.
Ashley Bouck
Kids Otsego Service Coordinator
Ashley loves plants and botanical gardens and in her free time likes to try different crafts. Right how she’s learning to crochet. She also has two birds that can get pretty loud so, if you’re ever on a Zoom with her you’ll hear them in the background.
Anondai Loadholt
Behavior Specialist
Anondai really enjoys good food, her favorite color is pink and some of her favorite activities include shopping and swimming.
Amanda Eichler
Family Service Coordinator (Kids Herkimer)
Amanda has met the Jonas Brothers, has milked a cow before by hand and is named after the musical instrument mandolin.
Christine McCutcheon
Human Resources Generalist
Christine has a five year old grandson who was born on her birthday. She climbed a mountain in Honolulu, Hawaii called Diamondhead, that’s 762 feet (which is a lot for her) with the most stunning views! Currently, she is training to run the Boilermaker 5k this year, for the first time!
Leslie Lombardoni
Evelyn’s House Residence Counselor
Leslie enjoys gardening, cooking out and then having family and friends over for a cookout with the beautiful veggies they grow!
Katie Baker
System of Care Support Coordinator
Jimmy Carter is her all time favorite president and when he was elected when she was four yeas old, she had her big sisters help her compose a letter to him. It started out... “Dear Jimmy Carter, my name is Katie Baker, what’s yours?” (She says she has since improved her writing skills!) She has no pets of her own but has a total of four grandcats – Macavity, Monty, Button and Dash – and two granddogs – Flynn and Swinney. She also has two beautiful granddaughters, Avery and Evelyn who call me “Mamo”, which is the Irish term for grandma. Grandbaby #3 is due in July!