Celebrating Over 20 Years with ICAN

Q & A with Quin LaReaux, Director of Quality Improvement, hired May 10, 1999
Today we introduce and celebrate Quin LaReaux, our first ever (and still the only!) staff to achieve 20 years of employment at ICAN. In fact, Quin just celebrated his 21st anniversary this past May.
(Fun fact #1 – he is the ONLY employee still at ICAN that was hired in the 20th century!)
We took some time to sit down with Quin to find out a little about him and his journey at ICAN. Here is his interview:
Tell us about your history with ICAN.
When I started as a Kids Oneida Service Coordinator in 1999, there were only eight people in the entire agency; two Administrators and six staff members. The agency was so new, only about two years old, so we really had to figure a lot of things out as we went. We had no electronic health record, and all the files were paper. Our office space was a dark little basement space in the Dakin building on Genesee Street that we shared with other agencies.
In 2004, I became the Fee for Service (now known as SPIN) Coordinator and then in 2008 I was promoted to manage the Provider Network. I began my career in Quality Improvement in 2011 when the former manager retired and then I became the Director in 2017.
What are your future plans at ICAN and what do you still hope to achieve.
I plan to retire at ICAN, and will be only the second staff to retire at the agency.
(Fun Fact #2: Quin became the replacement for our first ever retiree!)
I would like to focus on our agency’s strategic goal to create a comprehensive database to better capture much needed agency-wide outcomes so that we can communicate easily to everyone the great work being done at ICAN!
What is your favorite ICAN memory?
It isn’t really just one memory. It is watching the evolution of the ICAN culture over the years to what it is today. We are so supportive and family-oriented with an intentional focus on solid strategies to grow and this is so refreshing.
Why do you think you have stayed at ICAN this long?
Like I said before, I like working in the culture we have. But also, ICAN continues year after year to venture into exciting new projects and endeavors (like the Children’s Museum). We have grown, expanding into more counties, created new programs and are always ahead of the curve in new ideas. This makes working at ICAN interesting and gives me the ability to grow, learn and expand my own horizons as the agency does.
The services and programs we provide to our clients are the highest quality around and it is great to work at a place that appreciates and expects this. Working in Quality Improvement has given me the opportunity to make sure we are always on top of our game but also to see and hear everyday the great work we are doing with those we serve.
What do you like most about working at ICAN?
I really can answer all of these questions the same. The Culture – coming to work every day isn’t a chore and that is so important to me. The people who work at ICAN are personable, know how to have a good time at work, but also are reliable, hard workers and work when and where we need them to. The transparency on all levels of the organization is so refreshing and Steve is just not your typical CEO… it is so great working for him. What I do love the most about ICAN is the balanced perspective approach towards work. People are allowed to share their ideas, work and think “outside of their lane” and it is appreciated and encouraged on all levels.
Tell us a bit about Quin outside of ICAN!
I love to be outdoors as much as possible and enjoy fitness and all fitness related activities.