STARRS Program Presented to New York State Superintendents
15 July, 2021

STARRS Program Presented to Superintendents from Throughout New York State

Jeremy Butler, (left in photo) ICAN’s Director of Community Initiatives, joined James Weaver, Director of Madison-Oneida BOCES Alternative and Special Ed, Dr. Amanda Hopkins, Ed.D, Principal STARRS to deliver a presentation to the Rural Schools Association of NY at their Annual Conference at the Otesaga in Cooperstown.
They shared the innovative approach of our STARRS program with district superintendents and other district staff. Participants from all over the state were able to learn more about ICAN and how we integrate Mental Health and Behavioral Health Services into the classroom to help support some of our students who struggle the most.
During the presentation, one participant shared a firsthand account of how our STARRS program made a tremendous difference in his grandson’s life by treating the child and not the behavior.
Download the STARRS brochure